Hydrating Popsicle Recipe

With summer upon us, I’ve been finding new ways to keep us all well hydrated during the warm summer days playing outside, adventuring or gardening. We never got into the popsicle game before moving to the southeast and I have to say… they’re pretty much a summer essential here! I bought these popsicle molds from The Container Store last year and decided it was time to finally put them to use this weekend!

Standard popsicles tend to just have different variations of fruit so I wanted to create a popsicle that would be healthy and hydrating for our family. When we sweat often, we lose an excess of vitamins and minerals so this popsicle actually helps restore those minerals and almost works like an adrenal cocktail! These are super easy to make and the whole family will love them. I used pre-squeezed orange and lemon juice and it would obviously be best to fresh squeeze these for the recipe, but just work with what you have on hand.

1/2 cup orange juice
1/4 cup lemon juice
2 cups coconut water
2 T raw honey
1 pack LMNT of your choosing!

Mix everything together and pour into popsicle molds. Freeze for at least 8 hours until frozen through. Enjoy!


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